Sunday, April 22, 2012


Being spoiled can be good or bad depending on your frame of mind and the reason that you are being spoiled.

Lately, I have become very spoiled. This is because Doug and Vance have really been helping me out. Doug has taken over doing all of our laundry. So, every Friday I come home to a basket full of clean clothes. They both help me cook dinner most nights and then have started doing one dinner completely. All of this is such a great blessing to me. Vance has been helping with the yard work, which can be so overwhelming. Of course, Mom is even doing her part because she washes the dishes almost every morning. My house has never been immaculate and it probably never will be but it is so much easier to keep up with things with all this help. I believe this is a good type of spoiling.

The bad type of spoiling is when we start feeling that we deserve special treatment and do not give credit to those that are providing you service or comfort. I believe that the majority of our generation and younger are very spoiled. We have had pretty comfortable lives for the most part. I attended the funeral of a special lady yesterday, Olive Nelson Brown. They just don't make people like her much anymore and I think it is because we are generally spoiled. Her life had not been especially easy but she worked, served, and loved without expecting anything in return. She was an outstanding example of faith, living the gospel everyday, and enduring to the end. What a great legacy she has built. What kind of legacy are we building? Good question to ask ourselves each day. Let us not be like the world and feel entitled.

It has been a good week. School was different because of AIMS testing. I am helping to proctor the 6th grade Special Ed students and there are only six of them so that is really easy. I gave the students in my math classes a project called The Cookie Sharing Project. They are having fun with that and we have had some good cookies. On Friday, Doug, Vance and I went to Thatcher. Doug and I did a temple session which was very nice. Vance came so that he could spend some time with Daphne Brown. They met us at the temple after our session and then we picked up Chelsea to go to have dinner. Thanks to Emily for spending the afternoon and evening with Mom. I am so grateful for all my blessings. Especially those that are linked to family and the gospel.

God be with you till we meet again.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 15, 2012

Good morning to all! We have been busy helping with indexing the 1940 US Census. This has been a lot of fun and it is exciting to be a part of such an important work. I have done one page of forty names a day since we started on April 2. I finished taxes for Mom, Chelsea, and us. That was a load of my mind.

The weather has really made me want to get outside and work in the yard. Vance has really helped me and has planted a plum tree, two pine trees, and a cottonwood to add to the peach and plum tree that were already there. I had two apple trees that didn't make it. I love trees and want to continue adding a couple each year. I got a few things planted in the garden after Vance tilled it for me. Anyway, I really love playing in the dirt. It is definitely therapeutic.

I had to stop for a moment because I am watching "Fires of Faith" about the origins of the King James Bible. There is a scene in a mall when a young woman starts to sing the "Hallelujah Chorus" and people start joining in. It is a beautiful and brings tears to my eyes every time. These words ring true and touch my down deep in my soul. I am so grateful for my Savior and the atonement. I'm grateful for the scriptures and our modern day prophets. So many of the talks that were given at General Conference two weeks ago seemed to be just what I needed to hear. Pres. Uchtdorf''s talk really hit home with me. I pray that we can forgive one another as family members and be united again.

I have started rereading the Work and the Glory series. It is a great way to visualize the beginnings of the Church. Those early saints that stood by the Prophet Joseph Smith had to have great faith. We have it pretty easy in comparison because that legacy was established. I am grateful to the early saints and my testimony of Joseph Smith. I know he was a prophet.

We have been to two birthday parties this month. Emmett turned three and Warren turned five. Time keeps marching on. Felicity had her birthday yesterday. We want the best for all of our children and grandchildren and pray for them always.

God be with you till we meet again.